The Seven 7.9.13

Hello all, with  the holiday here in the US, you know the one…celebrating that we used to be a free country. I was away from the computer so I don’t have quite as much material as I usually do to work with…enjoy anyway.

seven1) As I mentioned in last weeks edition of The Seven if you want to see where America will be in ten years, look to England now. In jolly ol’ England (which while it’s not so jolly it is old) this past week a American street preacher was arrested and interrogated for hours for calling homosexuality a sin. You can read about it here. However we, in America,  may be closer to this than just hypothetical ten year time frame, as a California student was ordered to remove their cross necklace this past week by school officials.

2) I also watched a twitter battle erupt, (Twitter battle-it sounds as ominous as pillow fight or fluffy bunny tussle.) over whether or not we can know doctrine for sure. Of course we can be sure, the Bible is quite clear, unless you are one that likes to play post-modern word games to make words say what you want them to mean. You can read more about how we can know doctrine for sure here. I don’t always agree with this blog on some points especially eschatologically, (glad I’m writing this and not saying it, you try saying ‘especially eschatologically’ 3x fast) but on this post the author is spot on.

3) I’m convinced that given the state of the shows on TV today we’re only a few months away from having a TV show where we just laugh at homeless people. Here’s an interesting show coming to the Oxygen Network, (isn’t that Oprah’s network)  it’s called Preachers of L.A….no good can come of this.

4) In past editions of The Seven I’ve mentioned certain Baptist colleges firing their faculty over the issue of Calvinism. Here’s an interesting article on the subject from B21 that speculates whom, in Baptist history would be included in that firing were it to happen in their day.

5) Here’s an interesting article from Via Emmaus on the problems of Evangelism in a post-hospitality culture, it’s quite thought-provoking.

6) Fellow DPSer Jay Miklovic wrote an interesting article over the weekend on backwards movements within the church, the looking back with rose-colored glasses that we’re all prone to and how it manifests itself in the church.  It’s well worth your time to go back and read it. And then read this excellent answer  by Joel Taylor to the question posed in Jay’s article. of course when reading both of these articles we have to remember that there is no perfect church.

7) And to end on an even higher note, here is an excellent post from Daniel Neades blog Better Than Sacrifice. about the story of two religions posed in the Biblical account of Cain and Abel, and if you don’t want to take the time to read it, you can listen to the whole thing instead.



1) In Biblical Christianity (see Calvinism) we speak of God’s foreknowing the elect. What we tend to overlook is the fact that it is very intimate language, just as when the Bible speaks of Adam knowing Eve and they bore a son. Foreknowledge is a very intimate process so much so that even the numbers on our head are numbered. God knows those that are his, faults and all, and chose us in spite of this, all for His glory alone.

2) Over the holiday was also the second birthday of this blog. It has generated some controversy and hasn’t been wildly successful but I’ve enjoyed writing for it and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading, special thanks to all the DPS contributors without you there would be no blog content and DPS would be the most boring blog ever. I look forward to continuing to hear from you, my fellow contributors and readers.

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